The Dance Honor Society Chi Tau Epsilon at Sam Houston State University will host their semiannual student produced show Dances@8 March 31 through April 1 at the Gaertner Performing Arts Center to showcase different members.
The two-hour performance will feature choreography by 12 undergraduate students. For the first time ever there will be a dance camera included in the performance to capture all the unique group works, duets and solos (or a video dance).
Chi Tau Epsilon’s current president Autumn Harms explained that the genre and style of dance may change from dancer to dancer depending on their preferences but still offered a few hints about what to expect.
“The style of dance varies based on each individual piece,” Harms said. “This year, we have a lot of contemporary, jazz and modern pieces. We are always excited to have a versatile show.”
Chi Tau Epsilon’s future president Brianna McCray expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of a club that gives her so many opportunities
“Dance teaches you much more than just doing four perfect pirouettes with a perfect finish,” McCray said. “There is absolutely no other student organization that I’d rather be a part of than XTE. It’s a special opportunity that not everyone in the dance community can obtain.”
The SHSU dance program is competitive as it only accepts about 35 percent of applicants, and XTE is even more exclusive. This dance honor society only accepts those who show an interest in community service with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
McCray believes that getting casted in Dances@8 is only half the work and the rest is up to the students.
“We feel like it’s important to motivate undergraduate students to create work and actually make it a complete product [including] choreography, dancers, stage, lights and costume,” McCray said.
Harms confirmed the students have full creative control but expressed that although students had limited time, they definitely didn’t have limited resources.
“Chi Tau Epsilon did not have a lot of time,” Harms said. “It was up to the choreographer to rehearse as much or as little as he or she would like. Our wonderful dance department allows dance majors to use any of the dance studios, provided we reserve the space. We are so thankful for our beautiful facilities and accommodating faculty members.”
Chi Tau Epsilon’s faculty sponsor Erin Reck said she is proud of the students for their appreciation, commitment and exceptional work.
“I love that it’s completely student run and it’s not required for course work, so it just shows the level of enthusiasm and passion our students have for what they’re doing as art advocates, choreographers and performers,” Reck said.
Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the public is encouraged to come as they are.
Tickets can be bought at the door for eight dollars and all proceeds will go toward Chi Tau Epsilon as well as an undergraduate student scholarship for XTE members.
For more information about Dances@8 or Chi Tau Epsilon, contact Harms at [email protected].